
懒人考试网    来源: 江西省新余市第一中学      2024-03-16         





Text 1

W: That's a cool jacket. Where did you get it?

M: My brother bought it when he was on vacation in India, and he gave it to me for my birthday.

Text 2

W:I think this painting would look good in our living1472520735895497.png room. What do you think?

M:Sure. Let's buy it. Luckily the price is within our budget.

Text 3

W: What do you think about all the different diets that people go on?

M: I don't think dieting is good for you. It's much better to eat a balanced diet and never get overweight. I once had a diet and felt terrible and gave up.

Text 4

W: Can you lend me some money?

M: I am sorry. I've already gone through my paycheck for the week.

W: You’ve gone through all your money so quickly? I thought you were well-off.

M: Not me. You know that I’m always careless about money.

Text 5

W: Bob, did you see Professor Henry? I need him to sign this paper.

M: He is in his office, but you'd better choose your words carefully while talking to him. He is a bit upset today.

W: T1472520735156578.pnghanks for the warning.

M: That's all right.

Text 6

W: Oh, no. It seems that I've lost my train ticket.

M: Are you kidding? The train leaves in an hour. Where did you put it?

W: It was in my pocket, but now I can't find it.

M: Is it in the other pocket?

W: No, it is not there. I'm going to have to buy another ticket.

M: Let's go to the enquiry desk first to check whether anyone had got it and turned it in.

Text 7

W: Good evening, Mr. Taylor. I'm so glad you were able to come.[来源:Zxxk.Com]

M: Glad to meet you again, Mrs. Zhao. You are so kind.

W: Now dinner's ready. Let’s go over to the dinner tab1472520736257632.pngle.

M: Oh, it's a real Chinese meal. Oh, there are so many dishes.

W: I'm glad you like them. Let's hope for good cooperation between us.

M: Pretty good that our cooperation has been going on so well up to now.

Text 8

W: 1472520736769519.pngMatthew, do you know much about body language in countries around the world?

M: Sure, Jane. I've picked up a few things from traveling around for work. Why?

W: Well, I had a meeting today with a woman from Japan and she wouldn't stop bowing! I didn't know what to do!

M: Well, Japanese businessmen and women typically bow to gr1472520736128983.pngeet each other in Japan. She might dislike your strong handshake.

W: But she was in America! Shouldn't she have known that strong handshakes in America mean confidence and respect? 

M: Things are different in Japan. You know, in some countries, making eye contact with others is considered rude.

W: So that’s why she wouldn’t look at me in the meeting.

Text 9

W: There are lots of new teachers in our class this semester.

M: Yeah, so what do you think about the teachers?

W: To be honest, I like all of them, except for the math teacher. Though he must be quite young, he seems like an old person. He's so boring.

M: I think so too. I don't like him either. Well, who do you like best?

W: It might be the English teacher. What about you?

M: Me, too. She speaks very clearly and doesn't use very complicated words so that it is easy for us to understand her.

W: She is a pretty good teacher! With her help I think I can make great progress in English.

M: Yeah, I like her way of teaching. She told us to pay more attention to communicating than memorizing grammar rules.

W: I think it's a good way to develop our language ability.

M: Actually, our new math teacher is a good person. He just can't find an appropriate way to teach us.

Text 10

W:Today, I was resting on a bench at a subway station and a very tired woman came and sat next to me. I said hello and offered her some of the sweet that I was eating, but she refused politely, saying she had just been to a coffee shop and she was already full. We talked for about half an hour. She complained of a few things and I understood her but I also helped her to notice the bright side. When we said goodbye she was a different person, her tiredness seemed to be gone and instead of sighs, as she came, left with smile, thanking me for talking to her. I thanked her too for telling me so many things about her life.

A fe1472520736109314.pngw minutes later, right before riding the subway train I saw a blind man coming. Going next to him, I offered help and helped him step onto the subway train and we talked all the way to his stop. He was pleasantly surprised and gave me his name card before getting out of the train, and I promised to call.

1—5 BACAA 6—10 CBACC 11—15 BAABC 16—20 ABACB



21. 【答案】A 【解析】考查推理判断。第一则信息开头说,“没有哪个国家像英国那样去进行一项节日活动”,由此推断,英国的节日有自己独特的风格。

22. 【答案】D 【解析】考查细节理解。本题考查文章列举的四个音乐节的时间长短,第二则材料说该节日持续一个星期,因此选D。

23. 【答案】C 【解析】考查细节理解。根据题干信息,我们把答案定位在最后一则介绍。该则信息说,参加这个音乐节的人主要是当地人(60,000 mostly local people),因此选C。

24. 【答案】B 【解析】考查细节理解。根据题干的rock music判断,第三、四则音乐节的介绍提到摇滚乐,举办地分别是法国巴黎和德国柏林,因此选B。


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