
懒人考试网    来源: 江淮十校联考      2024-03-16         



A篇21-23 DCB 


21.D推理判断题。由第二段第三句“It’s great exercise and parents may content for wearing out their kids for a good short sleep.”可知Jump’ n Jive birthday parties 是很好的锻炼,会使他们的孩子wear out(筋疲力尽),因而会tired。故选D。 yggk.net考后首发

22. C 细节理解题。由第三段第一句“If you’ve ever found your hild coloring on the wall (or even if you haven’t) Brush With Art is a fantastic birthday party place.”可知擅长绘画的孩子应该选择Brush With Art。第三句“Brush With Art is located at 1948 Civic Circle in Wolflin Square.”可得到答案C。

23. B 细节理解题。由第四段最后一句话“For more details on birthday parties at the Amarillo zoo, call at least 3 weeks in advance at (806)381-7911.”可知需要至少提前三周预定。故选B。

B篇24-27 CBDC 

语篇导读:作者通过把自家三个孩子培养成有爱心,乐于奉献的孩子的事实经历,倡导人们积极参与“Make a Difference Day”。

24.C细节理解题。由第三段第三句They talk about service and wonder what they can do to help.可知,作者的孩子很乐意去帮助别人。故选C。

25. B词义猜测题。由下文It doesn’t just happen by osmosis(耳濡目染). If you leave kids to ...you have to set aside time each day, week or year to communicate the values you want your children to have.得知你必须每天,每周或每年留出时间把你想要孩子拥有的价值观传达给孩子。由此推知imbue with 应表示 “灌输”之意,故选B。

26. D推理判断题。由第三段倒数第二句If you leave kids to their own devices, and to the materialistic images they see in pop culture, they may not get it.即知,如果放任孩子去接触他们在流行文化中所看到的物质至上的形象,他们是不能形成好的价值观的,由此可推断作者对此的态度是否定或者消极的,故选D。

27. C纵观全文可知前三段就是作者通过自己的三个孩子能做到有爱心和奉献精神,来引出第四段的内容,让人们了解,“Make A Difference Day is a perfect opportunity for that.” 能够给人提供志愿者活动的机会。

C篇 28-31 ABDA    


28.A 细节理解题,根据第一段中In China’s Qinling Mountains, giant pandas spend most of their day eating bamboo. The plant makes up 99% of the pandas diet, with some pandas eating about 40 pounds of it a day.可知大熊猫以竹子为主食。

29.B细节理解题。根据第二段首句...Michigan State University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences studied...可知研究者们来自美国州立大学和中国科学院,所以B正确。

30.D 推理判断题。从文中第二段的第三句,第三段的第二句,及第四段的第一句得知选项A、B和C是正确的;而文中最后一段最后一句“The future of pandas,” he says, “is in our hands.”表明熊猫的未来掌握在我们人类手中,并非“依赖熊猫的适应能力”。故D项是错误的。

31.A 主旨大意题。根据文章首句Endangered giant pandas are facing a new threat: the loss of their food source , bamboo.可知本文主要讲述的是大熊猫食物来源问题,故选A。

D篇32-35 CADB

语篇导读: 转基因食品最近成为新闻关注的焦点,转基因食品对农业有着许多方面的影响。一些国家禁止销售转基因食品,因为它们的安全性还未得到证实。

32.C 细节理解题。根据第三段“A novel food is described as one that has not been eaten by EU consumers widely in the past.”可知,新食品指的是还没有被欧盟成员国的消费者广泛使用的产品,故选C。

33.A 推理判断题。根据第二段“They are being tested for safety by the best scientific experts...They are not for sale until they have gone through this complete safety process. ...any slight problem with them could affect a whole country”可知,转基因食品正在接受专家的检测,在证明它们的安全性之前,转基因食品是禁止销售的,故选A。

34.D细节理解题。根据“Genetically modified foods have come under heavy fire lately. There are some countries that are against buying these types of foods.”可知,转基因食品最近受到了强烈的抨击,一些国家反对销售转基因食品,come under遭受,受到,故选D。

35.B细节理解题。根据最后一段“By providing these people with the necessary information, we can allow them to make decisions about these foods.”可知,作者认为,有关部门提供有关转基因食品的必要信息,让人们自己来决定是否购买转基因食品,故选B。 

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