
懒人考试网    来源: 阳光高考信息平台      2024-03-16         



 本次统考命题、编审、校对人员: 王会明(汉川一中)杨发润(孝感一中)、熊宗茂(航天中学)、 胡 瑜(汉川二中)、杨碧涛(应城二中)、姚 莉(安陆一中) 丁春阳(安陆一中) 潘 毅(孝昌一中)

一、听力部分:01-----10 ACCAB CCACB 11-----20 BACCC ACABA 

二、词汇知识:21-----30 CDBAD CDBAC 31-----40 D ACBA BCDAB 41-----50 BDBAA CBACD 

三、阅读理解:51-----54 DBCA 55-----58 DBAC 59-----62 ADAC 63-----66 DABD 67-----70 ADBC 

四、书面表达: 71. had intended to 72. to find the easiest way 73. those who they think 74. had been admitted into 75. Attached to the back of 76. should have got 77. twice as likely to 78. can you say 79. sitting there reading 80. has been deeply-rooted in 

短文写作范文: As we know, most of the middle school students today have the same dream, to go to college. To be a college student not only means that you can get further education but also means a greater success. However, the question is, whether going to a college is the only way to success. My answer is "No". I disagree to the opinion for the following reasons. First of all, getting into a university does not necessarily mean that you have won everything. As a famous English saying goes, "One can never be too old to learn". You still need to study and work very hard to get the bachelor, master or even doctor degrees and to achieve greater success.

Secondly, besides colleges or universities, there are a lot more ways to achieve success. In history, a number of famous scientists and scholars, who did not get into colleges, still made great contributions to human beings because of their strong determination leading to their success. Thirdly, I think the most important thing for today's society is not a diploma but the personal ability. Nowadays, we are all facing the challenges of the market economy so what is essential today is not only how high education you receive but how soon and well you can deal with the difficulties of all kinds. All roads lead to Rome. Let us drop the old concept about the college diploma and embrace an even brighter future. 


评分原则: 1.本题总分为30分,按5个档次给分。 2.先根据文章内容和语言,初步确定其所属的档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。 3.词数少于120的,从总分中扣除6分。 4.评分时主要关注:内容齐全、应用高级词汇、复杂语法结构及连贯性。 5.拼写与标点符号,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑,但英美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。 6.如书写较差,以至于影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。 说明: 1.内容要点可用不同方式表达。 2.对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分。 3.结尾与上文内容衔接紧密,合乎逻辑。

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