
懒人考试网    来源: 阳光学习门户      2024-03-16         



46.The study by scientists at Germany’s Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research in Kiel examined five possible methods of climate engineering as a means of heading off the worst influences of global warming, along with widespread tree plantings of the deserts, and the study examined three methods involving the ocean.

47.The report, to be given later this month by the IPCC and obtained by The Independent in Britain, says that food security will increasingly be threatened, with crop output to drop by as much as 2 percent per decade for the rest of the century. Demand, though, is on course to rise 14 per cent per decade until the year of 2050. 

48.One in eight global deaths were linked with air pollution, making it “the world’s largest single environmental health risk”, the WHO said. Nearly six million of the deaths had been in South East Asia and the WHO’s Western Pacific area, about 3.3 million died as a result of indoor air pollution and 2.6 million outdoors, it found.

49.As the atmosphere heats up because of climate change, more rain in Sydney will most likely cause disaster with traffic and public transport and may increase the number of people  injured or killed in flash floods, such as the man who drowned after being swept in to a storm water drain at Lucas Heights on Monday, said Nicky Phillips.

50.A five-year assessment by IPCC details the global influence because of the climate change, including the displacement of hundreds of millions of people, reduced crop output and increased the loss of millions of dollars of the economy, which harms Australia’s economy in many industries very seriously.

Ⅲ 写作(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 基础写作(共1小题,满分15分)



2014<a href='http://www.yggk.net/zt/shenzhenermo/' target='_blank'><u>深圳二模</u></a><a href='http://www.yggk.net/english/' target='_blank'><u>英语</u></a>试题及答案 深圳市2014届高三第二次调研测试






第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)


  My name is Patti, and my mom told me that when I was born, I was the most beautiful baby in the world. 

  Then, one day when I was five years old, my life changed. I had a high fever, but carelessly, I took the wrong medicine, which caused me to lose my speaking ability. My mom couldn’t believe it, but the doctor told her that the medicine brought me a lot of problems with my voice. He thought that I would never be able to speak well again or learn any other language. 

2014<a href='http://www.yggk.net/zt/shenzhenermo/' target='_blank'><u>深圳二模</u></a><a href='http://www.yggk.net/english/' target='_blank'><u>英语</u></a>试题及答案 深圳市2014届高三第二次调研测试

  However, my mom never gave up, and she tried her best to help me overcome my difficulties. She sent me to a lot of teachers. Finally, she found the right teacher, Nina, to help me to make my dream come true.

  The most amazing thing was that she taught me to read my mouth. I remember that I spent hours in front of the mirror and tried to repeat every word that I said. Imagine losing your voice and having to learn everything new. For me, it was like being born again. Yes, I was! I learned to talk and speak my mother language - Spanish. 

  Now, I am studying English. I can’t believe that I am learning another language, and that is all because of Mom!Also I am proud of myself!











英语学习  http://www.yggk.net/english/

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