
懒人考试网    来源: 东北三省三校      2024-03-16         



Text 1

M: Would you mind if I borrowed your car?

W: Well, when exactly?

M: Until Monday or Tuesday of next week.

W: I’m sorry, but my family is going out this weekend.

Text 2

W: How do you feel about your moving to Los Angeles, Jack?

M: Well, I’m really looking forward to it. I can’t fall asleep at night these days.

Text 3

W: What’s wrong, Carl? You look terrible.

M: Miss Brown, I’ve had a headache all day. And my nose is blocked.

W: You might have caught a cold. You don’t have to come to school tomorrow. Stay home and have a rest.

Text 4

W: We need a new refrigerator. This one hardly holds our food for a week.

M: In that case, we’ll go to town this weekend, instead of the movie.

Text 5

M: Excuse me, could you tell me when the next train for Chicago leaves?

W: Well, trains for Chicago leave every 3 hours. You just missed the 8:30 train by 10 minutes, I’m afraid.

Text 6

M: Mom, may I work at the zoo?

W: Work? Where?

M: We have a chance to work at the zoo for the whole holiday. All my classmates are going. Can I? Please?

W: Sounds interesting.

M: Does that mean you are letting me go?

W: Yes. But how about a favor from you in return when breakfast is over? Go and practice cleaning cages by starting with that cage you call a bedroom!

Text 7

M: You’re Molly, right? Alice asked me to look after you today.

W: Thanks, Dr. Laver. I’m not sure of what to do the first day at work.

M: Don’t worry. Now, Molly, let’s get started right now.

W: Right, doctor. I’ve never had to look after such young babies before. I’m quite nervous really.

M: Nothing to it. Just pick up a baby and have a nice little chat to make it feel comfortable.

W: Ah, hello there, Babyface! What have you been up to today?

M: See? You’re a natural. I’m sure you’ll make a lovely mother one day, Molly.

Text 8

M: Biology department, Webster speaking.

W: Hello Professor Webster. This is Janet Hill calling. I live two doors down from Professor Don Williams. Don asked me to call you, because he has got a terrible cold and lost his voice.

M: Lost his voice? Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do for him?

W: Well, he has a class this afternoon from 2:30 to 4:00, and he won’t be able to teach it.

M: Does he want me to try to find somebody else to teach the class?

W: No, not exactly. What he wants to do is get someone just to pass back the mid-term exam papers.

M: His class is at 2:30, you say? Well, I’m free at that time and I could do it for him. What room is his class in?

W: Carter Hall, Room 214. You can get the papers in his office.

M: OK, that’s fine.

W: Thank you very much, Professor Webster. M: That’s all right. Thank you, and hope Don will get better soon. 英语学习  http://www.yggk.net/english/

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