
懒人考试网    来源: 福建四地六校联考      2024-03-16         


第二节  完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
When I was in the ninth grade, my parents started fighting. I could hear them
 36  at each other at night. It always seemed like they were fighting about me. I started to  37  and couldn’t fall asleep. Some nights I didn’t feel like I  38   at all.My grades really started to  39  too. It was hard to pay attention during class because I felt so  40  all the time.
My mom had to take me to see a therapist (治疗专家). On the way, I  41  to worry even more. What would my friends  42  me if they knew I was  going to see a therapist? What if the therapist couldn’t   43   me? It was not  that   44   . My therapist asked me a lot of questions and then we talked about how my life might  45  if I was able to get more sleep.  46  I understood how the future could be better, I felt really  47  to try new things. At the end of the session, I was sent home with a piece of paper called a sleep diary. When I woke up each morning, I had to answer all these questions about my sleep.
  48  , she gave me homework related to my sleep. I wasn’t   49   to text or be on my computer after 8 pm. If I couldn’t fall asleep after about ten minutes, she wanted me to get up and do something in another room that would help me to  50  and feel sleepy.
During the therapy sessions, she was a cheerleader for my life and kept  51  out all the things I was doing right. With her help, it was so much easier to notice the  52  things that were happening all around me.
After about two months of seeing my therapist, I was sleeping at least eight  hours a night, sometimes even nine! I felt happier. I could  53 . My grades  got better. Basically, I felt like myself! It was so much better to admit that   something was  54  and to do something to fix it  55  just watch my whole life get worse and worse.

36. A. laughing   B. shooting   C. knocking    D. screaming
37. A. doubt   B. protest   C. worry   D. quarrel
38. A. dreamed   B. ate   C. spoke   D. slept
39. A. reduce   B. drop   C. change   D. influence
40. A. tired   B. bored   C. upset   D. shy
41. A. refused   B. started   C. ended   D. happened
42. A. agree with   B. worry about   C. get on with   D. think about
43. A. teach   B. answer   C. fix   D. recognize
44. A. helpful   B. awful   C. interesting   D. practical
45. A. adjust   B. develop   C. benefit   D. improve
46. A. Once   B. Unless     C. Though     D. If
47. A. nervous   B. excited     C. surprised     D. calm
48. A. Therefore   B. However    C. Besides     D. Instead
49. A. persuaded   B. reminded     C. asked     D. allowed
50. A. study   B. respond     C. relax     D. recover
51. A. pointing   B. trying    C. leaving     D. picking
52. A. tiny   B. positive   C. exciting     D. important
53. A. forgive   B. appreciate     C. concentrate   D. understand
54. A. realistic   B. significant(有意义的)   C.acceptable    D. wrong
55. A. instead of   B. rather than   C. as well as   D. other than
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