
懒人考试网    来源: 阳光高考信息平台      2024-03-16         



When 15-year-old Louisa Ball takes a nap, she sleeps for days on end, and no amount of shaking can fully wake her up. The British girl has a rare condition called Sleeping Beauty Sickness. Doctors don’t know what causes it or how to cure it — only know that it strikes teenagers and goes away by itself after eight to 12 years.

Louisa’s mum, Lottie, told NBC News that the girl had flulike symptoms just over a year ago. Shortly afterward, she had her first period of long sleeping.

She was eventually diagnosed with Kleine-Levin Syndrome, whose victims worldwide may number no more than 1,000. The victims live normally for weeks or months at a time, with normal sleep patterns and normal energy levels. Then, with little warning, they’ll go to sleep for days or weeks at a time. So far, Louisa’s longest period in bed has been 13 days. Victims will wake briefly, but be disoriented and not fully awake. Louisa’s parents force her awake so she can use the bathroom and eat.

Now, Louisa’s friends can tell when a period is coming on. She stops talking and she may be annoyed easily. That’s when she knows she has to get home to her bed. Louisa has slept through family vacations, the dance recitals(表演会) she loves to perform in, and school tests. Now it becomes increasingly difficult to catch up on missed schoolwork.

But just as doctors don’t know the cause, they also don’t know why it ends as mysteriously as it began. The illness is unrelated to narcolepsy(嗜眠病), whose victims are constantly tired and drop off for brief periods of sleep at any time.

It’s so dramatic that some people have accused Louisa of making the false symptoms to get attention. Her father, Richard, thinks that’s absurd.

31. The underlined “disoriented ”in the 3rd paragraph probably means________.

A. embarrassed     B. disappointed     C. confused     D. happy

32. Which is TRUE about Kleine-Levin Syndrome according to the passage?

A. The victims usually sleep for days or weeks at a time.

B. There are usually many warning signs before it attacks the victims.

C. The victims are usually tired and in a bad mood.

D. There are more than 1,000 victims in the world.

33. We can learn from the passage that________.

A. doctors have found the cure for Sleeping Beauty Sickness.

B. some people don’t believe in the truth of Louisa’s symptoms.

C. Kleine-Levin Syndrome has no effect on Louisa’s study and life.

D. the narcolepsy victims sleep longer than those with Kleine-Levin Syndrome.

34. What can we learn about Louisa?

A. Louisa is fond of dancing.

B. Louisa can still manage finish her schoolwork without difficulty. 

C. Louisa is a British girl who likes sleeping.

D. Louisa’s longest sleeping period is 8 years.

35. What is the best title of the passage?

A. What is Narcolepsy

B. How Louisa Overcame the Difficulty

C. Rare Illness Turns a Girl into a “Sleeping Beauty”

D. The Latest Research on Kleine-Levin Syndrome.
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