
懒人考试网    来源: 阳光高考信息平台      2024-03-16         


The Ivy League(常春藤联盟)is a name for eight schools in the northeastern America. All but one were established many years ago, when England had colonies in this area. The oldest schools are Harvard Yale, Columbia, Dartmouth, Princeton, Brown and University of Penn. The newest is Cornell founded in 1865.
Originally, the term Ivy League was used to describe a sports grouping of the eight schools. And many language experts believe that the term first appeared in the media. In the 1930s a sports reporter called the schools in the grouping, the ivy League group also had an unofficial name -- "The Ancient Eight." Now both names are used.
Why the reporter used the term is not completely clear.Some people say the term is linked to the ivy plant.And ivy does cover some of the grounds and buildings at the schools.Other people say the term dates back to when only four of the schools were part of the sports group.Because in Roman numerals, the number “4”was written in letters “I” and "V." However, most historians say that explanation is incorrect.  
The term Ivy League is sometimes said in a disapproving way.Some people think the eight schools and their students value themselves too highly.Admission to the schools is very competitive.Only as little as 7% of students who seek admission are accepted.
The educational offerings of Ivy League schools are considered among the best and most demanding in the world.On the one hand ,all  the eight schools are also private and extremely costly.A four year degree from Harvard, for example, can cost more than$2000, 000 On the other hand; however, admission equality opens its door for all top students around the world.
68.Which of the following universities has the shortest history?
 A.Brown University.              B.University of Penn.
 C.Cornell University.             D.Harvard University.
69.It’s believed that the person who first used the term Ivy League was                 . 
 A.a sportsman  B.a journalist C.a language expert D.a historian
70.When introducing Ivy League schools, the writer speaks                   .
 A.curiously B.proudly C.happily D.objectively
71.It can be inferred that                   .
 A.Ivy League refers to the eight schools’ sports clubs
 B.the English founded the first eight Ivy League schools
 C.excellent students have equal chances to study in Ivy League
 D.the origin of the term Ivy League has become acceptable to all
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