
懒人考试网    来源: 阳光高考信息平台      2024-03-16         


II 阅读(共两节,满分50 分)

第一节 阅读理解(共20 小题;每小题2 分,满分40 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和D 项中,选出最佳选项。


Brad is originally from New Zealand. But when he was nine years old, his family moved to Australia. It was there that Brad first experienced success as a sportsman. He was only nineteen years old when he started playing for a major rugby (橄榄球) league team called the Brisbane. And only two years later, he played for his local state team named Pioneer. One year after that, the Australian national team manager chose him to play for Australia.

Brad was proud to accept this chance to play rugby at the highest level, even if his first game was against the country of his birth — New Zealand! Before he knew what was happening, Brad had become a rich and famous sports star!

Brad moved back to his birth country of New Zealand in 2001. He decided to start playing rugby union instead of rugby league. And, as before, he experienced great success! He achieved the dreams he had when he was a boy. He always wanted to be an All-Black — a member of the New Zealand national rugby team. The players wear black shirts and shorts. And their skill brings fear to every team that faces them! Brad became an All-Black in 2003.

Brad returned to rugby league briefly in 2005. But he decided to spend the remaining years of his sporting life playing rugby union. Steve Tew is head of the New Zealand Rugby Union.

Brad hopes that his life will continue to have a positive effect on people both on and off the rugby field. He says, “I am not a person who pushes his faith on other people. I hope that people will notice the change in me from my life.”

26. When did Brad play for Pioneer?

A. At the age of 19 . B. After living in Australia for 12 years.

C. After returning to New Zealand. D. Before playing for the Brisbane.

27. What can be inferred from the second paragraph?

A. Brad was chosen as a team manager.

B. Brad was pleased to serve his birth country.

C. Brad played rugby against Australia.

D. Brad experienced great success in rugby.

28. In the rest of his sports life, Brad would like to _____.

A. be an All-Black

B. play rugby union

C. play rugby league

D. teach in rugby field

29. How does the passage mainly develop?

A. By providing examples.

B. By referring to the author’s statements.

C. By following the order of time.

D. By following the order of importance.

30. What is the purpose of this passage?

A. To explain rugby to readers.

B. To add the readers’ knowledge.

C. To encourage people to learn rugby.

D. To introduce a famous sports star.


In the Maldives, at the heart of the Indian Ocean, scores of turtles are being found with wounded flippers (脚蹼) and deep scars in their shells. The cause is clear: the turtles are becoming trapped in “ghost” fishing nets that have either been lost or abandoned.

The turtles that don’t drown are then attacked mercilessly by accomplices (共犯). The injuries of the turtles’ flippers show clear signs of being bitten off by sharks, while the shell damage points to a sharp instrument: the beaks of birds and the claws of crabs. The nets themselves cut through the turtle’s flesh, leaving deep wounds.

But what the investigators have not yet found is the culprits (元凶) behind the crime and the motive. “It’s OK to keep finding these turtles and keep sewing them up, but it’s just going to keep happening. So we need to try to find out why the nets are being lost,” says Dr Jill Hudgins, a scientist from the Seamarc consultancy.

The turtles are the Olive Ridley variety which live in the open ocean and Maldivian fishermen don’t use nets, which points the investigation abroad. Hudgins’ team has now made a database of more than 40 net types, detailing the net size and the thread diameter.

A recent breakthrough found a net manufacturer’s label: Garware, an Indian company. Hudgins has now sent images of the nets and severely injured turtles to the company and awaits their reply.

“We want to scare them a bit,” she says, “and then get their help in finding solutions.”

If it is because the fishermen do not have access to disposal facilities, she says, that could be set up. Or if boats fishing illegally deserted nets when challenged by patrols at sea, that could be addressed too. Hudgins’ team has also hooked up with Ghost Nets Australia, which successfully tracked nets back to fishermen in northern Australia.

31. From Paragraph1, we know that many turtles are injured because of ______.

A. the fishing nets B. the polluted water

C. their natural enemies D. the sharp shells

32. There are at least _______factors responsible for the injuries of turtles.

A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5

33. According to Hudgins, the purpose of the investigation is to ______.

A. find the injured turtles and cure them of the wounds

B. find the cause why the nets are deserted in the sea

C. punish the culprits behind the crime to turtles

D. sew the wounded flippers and shells of the turtles up

34. What do the last two paragraphs mainly tell us?

A. They show the process of the investigation.

B. They are mainly about the results of the investigation.

C. An Indian Company should take the responsibility.

D. How they find the source of the lost nets.

35. What can be inferred from the passage ?

A. The nets cut through the turtle’s flesh, leaving them dead.

B. The native fishermen are not to blame for the injured turtles.

C. The company has replied to Hudgins’ team for what they have done.

D. Solutions have been found to save those injured turtles so far.
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