
懒人考试网    来源: 阳光高考信息平台      2024-03-16         


第二节完形填空 (共 30小题;11-20题每小题1分,21-40小题 1.5分, 满分40分)
    阅列短文 ,掌握其大意,从每题所给的  A .B .C .D四个选项中 ,选出最佳项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
      A few weeks ago,l was taking a quiet walk in my backyard  11   I saw a baby bird lying in the grass. It must have fallen off the nest high in the branches. I was sure it was dead. But as I tried to pick it up,  12   it moved.
      To put it back, I placed a ladder   13    the tree and tried to get it near the    14    with the nest. It was then that I saw a neighborhood cat in the leaves. Immediately it came to me that he must have 15 the bird out of the nest when climbing up along the branches and   16 himself up in the tree as well. Climbing up through the branches ,I seized him, gave him a    17  _  " Hiss! "  and dropped him softly to the ground. He ran off as fast as he could.
      I gently 18 the baby bird, climbed up the ladder and, stretching my arm out as far as I  could , _19       it  in  the  nest. Then  I  said  a little  prayer for it.
     In the weeks that followed I looked up at the nest several times ,but only saw the mother bird. I may never know whether my efforts have made a    20    0r not. But trying was enough. Sometimes love has to be its own reward.
II. A. while             B. as               C. after                 D. when
12. A. suddenly         B. finally            C. nearly                D. actually
13. A. off              B. against           C. on                   D. beside
14. A. tree             B. leaves            C. wall                  D. branch
15. A. led              B. shaken           C. tricked               D. blown
16. A. trapped           B. wounded         C. seized               D. stored
17. A. worrying         B. puzzling          C. scolding              D. surprising
18. A. tried on          B. picked up         C. took out              D. turned over
19. A. placed           B. caught            C. fed                  D. threw
20. A. choice           B. decision          C. difference             D. conclusion
      A 58-year-old man was sharing his memories of his father. He said his father had been a workaholic who was always busy with his   21 . He   22   came to his son's sports games or  activities.   23   ,the son said his dad almost never spoke to him.   24   the time the son was 18 years old ,in his last year of school ,he'd become a very good football player. When his team qualified for the championship, he    25   his father to finally come to see him play this one time ;so his dad   26   he'd be there.
     On the day of the   27    ,the son was on the field warming up just _  28    the game when he saw his dad come into the stadium with two other men. Then shortly after the game started, his dad .  29    with his friends and never returned. It's now been 40 years   30    that day, yet this 58-year-old son says the painful   31  . he felt as a teenager is still very real. When his father recently died at age 83 , he stood alone next to his dad's coffin at the funeral home and said:  " Dad ,we could have     32     so much love and good times together,    33     I never knew you. "
      A father has great power and   34    in the lives of his children. Studies have shown that the No. 1    35   0f troubled boys and young men is that they had fathers who didn't   36  care. They didn't spend time with their sons so they weren't    37   to them. There are millions of invisible     38    like this. But " No man stands as tall as when he bends down to help his  son. " How about you? Do you need to give more time and   39   to your children? It's never too late t0   40   .
21. A. family         B. work                C. hobby                 D. housework
22. A. often           B. ever                C. even                  D. never
23. A. In fact         B. As a result            C. Of course              D. Above all
24. A. At             B. In                  C. By                    D. For
25. A. begged         B. advised              C. permitted              D. ordered
26. A. admitted        B. pretended            C. suspected              D. promised
27. A. ceremony       B.  graduation          C.championship           D.  concert
28. A. after            B. on                  C. before                 D. during
29. A. stood           B. left                  C. chatted                D. sat
30. A. since            B. until                C. after                  D. before
31. A. relief            B. disappointment       C. fear                   D. anxiety
32. A. lacked           B. shared              C. received               D. mixed
33. A. and              B. but                 C. so                   D. then
34. A. trust             B. favor               C. influence              D. courage
35. A. reason           B. case                C. cause                 D. concern
36. A. simply           B. only                C. initially               D. really
37. A. close            B. similar              C. polite                 D. known
38. A. mothers          B. sons                C. fathers                D. players
39. A. money            B. freedom           C. attention               D. award
40. A. learn              B. change            C. develop               D. adapt
第二部分  阅读理解(共25小题;每小题2分,满分50分)
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