
懒人考试网    来源: 阳光高考信息平台      2024-03-16         


第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10 分) 
Family Values
To understand a nation, you should first get to know its minimum unit-family. 36   
  In the US, upon reaching an appropriate age, children are encouraged, but not forced, to “leave the nest” and begin an independent life.   37  Parents do not arrange marriages for their children, nor do children usually ask permission of their parents to get married.Young adults meet their future spouses(配偶)through other friends, at jobs, and in organizations and religious institutions.Although children choose their own spouses, they still hope their parents will approve of their choices.
  Parents feel that children should make major life decisions by themselves in many families.A parent may try to influence a child to follow a particular profession but the child is free to choose another job. 38   A son may deliberately decide not to go into his father’s business because of a fear that he will lose his independence in his father’s workplace.This independence from parents is not an indication that parents and children do not love each other.Strong love between parents and children is universal and this is no exception in the American family.
   39 It is not like we Chinese.Parents are rulers and masters.We Chinese love our parents with fear and total respect.In America, children always have their own opinions and even can talk about some sensitive problems with their parents, like family financial situation, the relationship between mother and father, and even sex.
  40   Therefore, it is contrary that, on one hand, Americans admire independence and equality that they don’t want to make sacrifice to make up a family, but on the other hand, Americans thing highly of family in their value system.
A.In the American family, children and parents are equal.
B.It can reflect the traditional values and customs of a nation.
C.When it comes to big problems, children do not have to always follow their parents’ ways.
D.After children leave home, they often find social relationship and financial support outside the family.
E.Although Americans pay much attention to independence and equality, they don’t believe in making sacrifice.
F.Sometimes children do precisely the opposite of what their parents wish in order to declare their independence.
G.Many of them are expected to leave what could be life’s most important decision - marriage almost entirely up to luck.
第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45 分) 
第一节:完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分30 分) 
  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
  I never knew how well Mother could keep a trust until I was going through her things after she died.I discovered something I had 41 forgotten, something that happened to me as a child.
  One day, as I went to sleep after my sisters and I had said our prayers, I recalled the events of the day and how 42 I had behaved toward Mother.“I must make things right now,”I thought.
  Quietly I 43 out of bed and picked up the pencil and paper from the dresser, and then tiptoed into the hall.The 44 from the living room shone dimly.I knew Mother was downstairs still doing some sewing.
I quickly 45   a note asking Mother to excuse me for being so 46 .I didn’t want my sisters to know my47 so I added a postscript, “Please don’t let anyone else see this.” 
Then I 48 moved into my parents’bedroom and put the letter under Mother’s pillow.
  The next morning when I   49 my bed after breakfast, I 50 found a return note under my pillow.Mother wrote that she loved me and 51 me.This became my way of 52 whenever I talked back or disobeyed.Mother always left a return note, but she never 53 our under-the-pillow messages in front of the family.Even when we were 54 , she never mentioned them when we sisters 55 our childhood.
  When Mother passed away, I had to go through her personal belongings.In her desk was a bundle of notes tied with a faded ribbon.On top was a message in handwriting which read,“In the event of my death, please 56   these.” 
  I 57 the package and glanced at the handwriting on the bottom.To my 58 , I recognized my childish writing, “P.S.Please don’t let anyone else see this.Love, Edie.”I gently placed the unopened bundle in the 59 along with other things for the rubbish burner.“Lord,”I prayed,“Make me like 60 .” 
41.A.never B.hardly C.long D.often 
42.A.well B.badly C.happily D.politely 
43.A.went B.rushed C.slipped D.moved 
44.A.moon B.lamp C.gas D.light http://www.2abc8.com/
45.A.wrote B.sent C.found D.took 
46.A.lazy B.late C.careless D.naughty 
47.A.mistakes B.business C.relation D.message 
48.A.quietly B.quickly C.calmly D.hurriedly 
49.A.searched B.left C.made D.folded 
50.A.secretly B.unexpectedly C.happily D.fortunately 
51.A.favored B.understood C.supported D.forgave 
52.A.touching B.connecting C.apologizing D.contenting 
53.A.spoke about B.put on C.gave out D.got round 
54.A.alone B.curious C.grown D.interested 
55.A.reminded B.forgot C.missed D.recalled 
56.A.keep B.destroy C.hide  D.announce 
57.A.turned over B.tore open C.looked through D.picked up 
58.A.sadness B.embarrassment C.surprise D.excitement 
59.A.drawer B.wastebasket C.bedroom D.dresser 
60.A.God B.an angel C.a bird D.Mother


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