2015南京一模英语试题答案 2015盐城市高三一模英语试题及答案

懒人考试网    来源: 南京一模      2024-03-16         

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
1. What does the woman mean?
 A. She must go home now.
 B. She can stay a little longer.
 C. Her parents expect a lot of her.
2. What does the woman think of the party?
 A. It’s successful.   B. It’s not good.   C. It’s too noisy.
3. What time is it now?
 A. 8:00.     B. 8:30.     C. 9:00.
4. How does the woman feel when she meets with the man?
 A. Sad.     B. Embarrassed.   C. Unbelievable.
5. Who will pay for the dinner?
 A. The man.    B. The woman.   C. They will go Dutch.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
6. What is the relationship between the speakers?
 A. Teacher and student.  B. Boss and clerk.   C. Interviewer and interviewee.
7. Who does the man want?
 A. A waitress.    B. A secretary.    C. A director.
8. What can we learn about the woman?
 A. She is studying in a university now.
 B. She has no working experience.
 C. She will get the job at last.
9. Where are the speakers?
 A. In a restaurant.   B. In a hotel.     C. In a bank.
10. How much should the man pay?
 A.¥206.     B.¥216.     C.¥260.
11. How would the man like to pay?
 A. By cash.    B. By credit card.   C. By cheque.
12. Where did Steve come back from last week?
 A. From America.   B. From China.   C. From Japan.
13. What can we learn from the conversation?
 A. The woman will visit Steve with the man.
 B. The woman should wear a formal dress.
 C. The man wants to buy a bunch of roses.
14. How will they deal with their kids?
 A. Ask the neighbor to look after them.
 B. Take the kids with them.
 C. Leave the kids alone at home.
15. Who is the man talking to?
 A. A teacher.    B. A student.    C. A librarian.
16. What does the woman advise the man to do?
 A. Limit his search.   B. Use a typewriter.   C. Try a broader topic.
17. What articles can be found in the “Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature”?
 A. News articles.   B. Magazine articles.  C. Newspaper articles.
18. Why did the little boy open the window?
 A. To feed an elephant.  B. To take some photos.  C. To enjoy the scenery outside.
19. What does Nelson do?
 A. He is a guard.   B. He is a policeman.  C. He is a doctor.
20. What will happen at last?
 A. Nelson will be punished. 
 B. Nelson will be forgiven. 
 C. Nelson will be given a glass of beer.
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